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faith is the substance Of things hoped for, the evidence of things things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1 

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 Making A Way For People To Know God

The Bible is a collection of letters written by Almighty God to humanity.

In these letters, He offers advice on how to live successfully and happily on the earth, provides insights into situations and challenges we'll face, and informs us of His overall plans for the world He created.

To better understand God's message, it is important to take time to get to know Him. Our website is here to help with that.

Becoming literate in God's word will help you cultivate a closer relationship with your spiritual Father, resulting in reduced anxieties, and an improved quality of life. 


Welcome to, a unique online Bible study that offers more in-depth insights into the Word of God than is commonly taught. 


We are non-denominational, born-again Christians, which simply means having a change of heart to love God, and are not affiliated with any particular church or organization.


The King James Bible is the most precise and accurate English language translation of the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic manuscripts you'll find.


However, its 17th-century English can be challenging for modern readers to follow, including for Christians.


Nevertheless, God's message is not complicated. You just need to learn how to rightly interpret the Word of God for yourself, and that's what we aim to show you how to do.


Some will argue that science and God are at odds. But we believe they work together, and our study topics seek to reconcile that fact.

We encourage you to explore the study topics, whatever your beliefs. As we feel everyone can find something meaningful in God's Word to apply to their lives. 

God Bless You,

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Study to show yourself approved unto God.
(2 Timothy 2:15)

Current Study Topic

What's Happening Now? 

We are currently witnessing two major conflicts taking place: one in Europe and the other in the Middle East. Either one could have a significant impact on global events.

Our latest study examines these events from a biblical perspective and explores how past occurrences are relevant to what's happening today.

Join us as we explore the scriptures and the origins of our world, and learn about God's plan for humanity.



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